Needed To Do Before Deleting Employees in the System

Needed To Do Before Deleting Employees in the System


Last Update il y a 4 mois

Note: Deleting of Employees are only recommended AFTER Annualization computation. This is to prevent disputes or inaccurate computation in annualization since employee data will be completely removed in the system and will not be included in the reports.

Deleting employee will permanently remove all their record in the system. We advised to back up employee data before deleting employees. To do this, we can do the following by saving their data such as:

  • 201 Employee Profile
  • Timekeeping (Such as Processed DTR)
  • Payroll (Posted Payroll)
  • Filed Transaction Forms
  • Loan Records
  • 13th Month Register
  • Bonus Register
  • Leave Balance Report
  • Inventory (Optional)
Generate Employee Information

We recommend to Generate Employee Information using Crystal Report with complete field (all fields in 201 Included/selected) to capture all employee info. Instead of using the by Company in Generate 201/Employee Report, use the Active/Inactive Employees to generate inactive employees too.

To generate employee information, click here: How to Generate Employee Information

Generate Employee Timekeeping Reports

We recommend to generate Processed DTR to capture employee Timekeeping Computation. But feel free to generate individual timekeeping reports (such as overtime report, attendance reports, etc.). Please generate all the processed DTR for employee starting from the first payroll period up to the last payroll period that been processed.

To generate Processed DTR, click here: How to Generate Processed DTR

Generate Employee Payroll Reports

We recommend to generate Payroll Register to capture employee Posted Payroll Computation. But feel free to generate applicable or you prefer payroll reports (such as gov’t deductions, 13th Month, etc.). Please generate all the payroll register for employee starting from the first payroll period up to the last payroll period that been posted.

To generate Payroll Register, click here: How to Generate Payroll Register

Generate Transaction Reports

We recommend to generate all of the filed Transaction made by employee from day 1 up to the last day of employee.

To generate Transaction Reports, click here: How to Generate Transaction Reports

Generate Employee Loan Reports

We recommend to generate all of the loans of employee.

To generate employee's Loan Report, click here: How to Generate Enrolled Loan Reports

Generate Employee 13th Month Reports

We recommend to generate 13th Month Register List Report to capture employee 13th Month Report. In generating the 13th Month Report, select the crystal report with all fields.

To generate 13th Month Register List Report, click here: How to Generate 13th Month Register List Report

Generate Employee Bonus Reports

We recommend to generate Bonus Register List Report to capture employee Bonus Report. In generating the Bonus Report, select the crystal report with all fields.

To generate Bonus Register List Report, click here: How to Generate Bonus Register List Report

Generate Leave Balance Report

We recommend to generate Leave Balance Report to capture employee available leave credits. We recommend to generate all the leave types.

To generate Leave Balance Report, click here: How to Generate Leave Balance Report

Download Inventory

We recommend to download all the Inventory Files of employee.

To generate Download Inventory, click here: How to Download the Files in Inventory

After we backup all the employee's data, now we can delete the employee.

To delete employee, click here: How to Delete Employee in the System

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