How to Generate Enrolled Loan Reports

How to Generate Enrolled Loan Reports


Last Update il y a 5 mois

  1. Go to Reports.
  2. Click Payroll.
  3. Click Loan.
  4. Click Generate Enrolled Loan Reports.
  5. Fill out the form:
    • In Report, select Loan Report.
    • In Type, select between By Month or By Year.
    • In Company, select the company.
    • If selected By Year in Type, just select the Covered Year. If selected By Month, select the Covered Month and Year.
    • In Loan Types, select the loan type or just select All.
    • In Status, select between Active, Autmatically Marked Paid, Manually Marked as Paid and Pause, or just select All.
    • In Classication, just check the classification needed for report.
    • In Location, just check the location needed for report.
    • In Department and Section, just select the department and section or just select All.
    • In Employment, just check the employment needed for report.
    • In Employee Status, just select between Active and Inactive or just select All.
  6. Click View.
  7. Select between Excel (to download excel template) and Print (to print directly).

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