Adding Email Account for Admin
Joshua Aure
Last Update há 3 meses
Navigation: Login on the admin account – click the account name>click change password – input the Gmail then click save email.
1. Admin accounts and employee accounts should have separate email addresses.
2. Ensure that the email address under the employee account is official and approved via admin side to be able to use on accessing the HRWeb portal.
3. The authorize email address being used is the Gmail account only.
4. To use the Gmail login for the Hrweb account, ensure that your authorize email address is logged in on the device you will be using to access your account [either admin or portal].
5. Admins that are authorized to access/update under user email setup should have access under administrator>user email setup on their user roles.
6. Gmail setup for the employee portal lookup is either the email under my profile>contact information—email or settings—account settings—email address.
Ensure that the email address reflected on the HRWEB account [either admin or employee portal] is logged in to your Gmail account on the device you will be using to access your account.